Monday, 23 May 2016



10.00 pagi – 12.00 tengah hari
Bagi kursus Jalinan Masyarakat,saya telah di tempatkan di dalam  kumpulan 10.Perjumpaan dimulakan dengan penerangan daripada guru penyelia kami iaitu Professor Dr Edward Wong Sek Khin.
6.00 petang – 8.00 malam
Perbincangan telah dilakukan mengenai aktiviti yang boleh kami jalankan dan setiap ahli kumpulan telah memberikan idea masing masing. Kami telah bersetuju untuk membuat lawatan ke rumah orang tua berdekatan dengan universiti kami iaitu Harmony Care Centre Seksyen 16, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
6.00 petang - 8.00 malam
Perbincangan diteruskan dengan perancangan untuk membuat kertas kerja.
5.00 petang - 7.00 malam
Kami membuat perbincangan berkenaan dengan kertas kerja kami bersama dengan penyelia kami,Dr Edward Wong Sek Khin untuk mendapatkan kata putus dan pendapat daripada beliau.Beliau bersetuju dengan tempat yang telah dipilih bagi kursus Jalinan Masyarakat ini.
5.00 petang - 7.00 malam
Setelah mendapat kebenaran daripada penyelia kami,kami membuat penambah-baikan dan menyerahkan kertas kerja kepada penyelia bagi tujuan semakan.
11.30 tengah hari - 1.00 petang.
Kami mengadakan perbincangan untuk menentukan jumlah dana yang perlu dikumpulkan bagi tujuan sumbangan kepada rumah orang tua terbabit.
12.00 tengah hari – 2.00 petang
Kami telah berhubung dengan pemilik Harmony Care Centre dan menetapkan waktu dan tarikh untuk mengadakan lawatan di sana. Kami turut berbincang tentang aktiviti yang bakal dilakukan.
5.00 petang - 6.00 malam
Kami mengadakan perbincangan bersama penyelia kami,Professor Dr Edward Wong Sek Khin bagi mendapatkan pengesahan tarikh dan aktiviti yang akan dilakukan.Ini kerana kami perlu memastikan bahawa aktiviti kami menepati syarat-syarat yang telah ditetapkan.
4.00 petang - 6.00 petang
Perbincangan telah dilakukan mengenai aktiviti kutipan dana dan ia telah ditetapkan bahawa kami akan melakukan kerja aktivti mencuci kereta di Fakulti Perniagaan dan Perakaunan dan kawasan berdekatan.
4.00 petang - 6.00 malam
Perbincangan dilakukan sekali lagi untuk mendapat kata putus daripada kesemua ahli kumpulan dan penyelia dan semua orang bersetuju untuk melakukan aktiviti mencuci kereta bagi mengumpul dana.

FASA SEMASA (26/2/2016)
7.30 pagi - 9.00 pagi
Kami berkumpul di Dataran Zaba bagi mendengar sedikit penerangan daripada penyelia kami, Dr Edward dan membuat persiapan.
9.00 pagi - 11.00 pagi
Kami dibahagikan kepada dua buah kumpulan.Aktiviti cucian kereta dijalankan di Fakulti Perniagaan dan Perakaunan di kawasan tempat meletak kenderaan.Kami mula mendapatkan pelanggan untuk mencuci kereta mereka. Pembahagian kerja juga telah diagihkan kepada dua tugasan iaitu untuk mencuci kereta dan mengumpulkan air ke dalam baldi.
11.00 pagi - 12.30 tengahari
Kami mula bergerak ke kawasan lain yang berdekatan dengan fakulti kami iaitu di sekitar kawasan Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pentadbiran untuk mencari lebih ramai pelanggan.
12.30 tengah hari - 2.30 petang
Kami mengambil keputusan untuk berehat kerana sudah tiba waktu makan tengahari dan juga saya dan lelaki Muslim yang lain perlu bergerak ke masjid untuk menunaikan solat Jumaat.
2.30 petang - 5.00 petang
Setelah kami pulang dari solat, kami meneruskan lagi aktiviti membasuh kereta.
5.00 petang - 6.00 petang
Menjelang waktu petang,kami bersiap-sedia untuk menamatkan aktiviti cucian kereta dan kami mengambil beberapa pelanggan terakhir.
6.00 petang
Akhirnya kami membuat keputusan untuk menamatkan aktiviti mencuci kereta dan kami berjaya mengumpulkan dana yang diperlukan.

7.30 pagi - 8.30 pagi
Kami berkumpul di hadapan pintu pagar Fakulti Bahasa dan Linguistik untuk menunggu penyelia kami dan sedikit penerangan.
8.30 pagi - 9.00 pagi
Kami mula berjalan untuk ke rumah orang tua dan perjalanan mengambil masa 10-15 minit.Mujur rumah orang tua terbabit terletak berdekatan dengan universiti kami.
9.00 pagi - 10.00 pagi
Kami tiba di rumah orang tua tersebut dan diperkenalkan kepada pemilik rumah terbabit.Kami mengambil gambar dan meninjau-ninjau kawasan rumah tersebut.Penghuninya tidaklah ramai dan tempat tersebut berada dalam keadaan bersih dan terjaga.
10.00 pagi - 12.00 tengahari
Saya ditugaskan untuk mengambil gambar dan mengemop lantai.Setelah selesai tugas terbabit saya mula meluangkan masa bersama-sama dengan penghuni rumah orang tua.Ini merupakan kali pertama saya meluangkan masa dengan mereka.
12.00 petang - 2.00 petang
Tiba masa untuk makan tengahari bersama-sama dengan penghuni rumah orang tua.Kami juga diberi peluang untuk berehat seketika dan bagi pelajar Muslim kami dibenarkan untuk pulang sebentar ke kolej untuk menunaikan solat Zohor.
2.00 petang - 5.00 petang
Menjelang waktu petang,kami diarahkan untuk membasuh kereta dan mencuci kawasan halaman rumah orang tua tersebut.Kami mencuci 2 buah kereta di samping membersihkan kawasan saluran longkang..Kami juga bertemu dengan ahli keluarga penghuni yang melawat mereka pada hari itu.
5.00 petang - 5.30 petang
Sebelum kami bersiap-sedia untuk pulang kami diberikan penerangan untuk aktiviti keesokan harinya dan disuruh untuk bersiap-sedia untuk hari esok.



7.30 pagi - 9.00 pagi
Kami berkumpul di hadapan pintu pagar Fakulti Bahasa dan Linguistik seperti biasa dan bergerak ke rumah orang tua.
9.00 pagi - 10.00 pagi
Pada hari tersebut aktiviti utama kami adalah aktiviti mengecat.Kawasan yang perlu dicat adalah di kawasan dapur dan ruangan pintu masuk.Kami diberi penerangan ringkas dan diberikan alatan untuk mengecat.
10.00 pagi - 12.00 tengahari
Saya ditugaskan untuk mengikis dan mengecat.Kami mengambil giliran dalam tugas pembahagian kerja dan berulang-alik dalam membantu ahli yang lain.Tugas yang paling berat adalah mengikis cat yang lama kerana ia sukar untuk ditanggalkan dan sememangnya memakan banyak tenaga.
12.00 petang - 2.00 petang
Menjelang waktu tengahari kami diarahkan untuk berhenti seketika dan diberi makan tengahari dan masa berehat.Seperti biasa pelajar Muslim dibenarkan untuk pulang sebentar ke kolej untuk menunaikan solat Zohor.
2.00 petang - 5.00 petang
Selesai sahaja solat Zohor,kami diarahkan untuk n membersihkan kawasan yang telah dicat.Kami juga menyapu daun-daun kering di luar rumah dan menghabiskan masa bersama-sama penghuni rumah orang tua terbabit.
5.00 petang - 5.30 petang
Aktiviti terakhir kami melibatkan penghuni orang tua iaitu sesi menangkap gambar dan kami turut mengucapkan terima kasih kepada penghuni rumah terbabit terutamanya pemilik rumah tersebut yang sering menjamu kami dengan pelbagai hidangan yang enak.Ia merupakan pengalaman yang cukup berharga buat kami semua.

2.00 petang - 3.00 petang
Kami berkumpul di Dataran Zaba bagi mengumpul gambar sepanjang aktiviti kami dalam mencuci kereta dan lawatan ke rumah orang tua.
3.00 petang - 4.30 petang
Kami diberi penerangan mengenai laporan yang akan kami buat dan bentangkan pada penghujung kursus ini.
4.00 petang - 6.00 petang
Laporan yang akan dibentangkan itu seterusnya dibincangkan bersama-sama dengan penyelia kami,Dr. Edward.
5.00 petang - 7.00 petang
Perbincangan bersama-sama ahli kumpulan dilakukan mengenai laporan yang akan dibuat.
4.00 petang - 6.00 petang
Laporan pertama dibentangkan kepada penyelia kami,Dr. Edward.
4.00 petang - 6.00 petang
Perbincangan diteruskan mengenai laporan kedua yang akan dibentangkan bersama-sama ahli kumpulan.
6.00 petang - 7.00 petang
.Penyelia kami iaitu Dr.Edward memberi penerangan mengenai jurnal yang akan kami lakukan.
5.00 petang - 6.30 petang
Laporang lengkap akhirnya disiapkan oleh semua ahli kumpulan.
4.00 petang - 6.00 petang
Laporan dan jurnal dibentangkan kepada penyelia kami untuk disemak.
5.00 petang - 6.30 petang
Penerangan dibuat oleh ketua kumpulan kami mengenai pembentangan laporan kami yang akan dilakukan pada hari Rabu pada 25 Mei 2016.


Beginning phase
From the first social engagement talk, I have been placed in group 10. There are 10 members in the group including me and there are a few familiar faces in this group. After the talk, we meet our supervisor. Our supervisor is Dr. Edward. He briefed us on what we should do for the whole social engagement. (refer picture 1)
Our group had our first meeting. It is about what we should do for our social engagement. In the meeting, we have discussed about the activity that can be carried out to raise fund. We planned to raise the fund by running a car wash activity.
We met for the second time. In the meeting, we discussed about the detail of the proposal such as the place and the objective. We search for old folks home as well as orphanage home around petaling jaya area so that it is easier for us to go to that particular venue to do our social engagement. (refer picture 2)
We had a meeting with our supervisor to talk about the finalised proposal. We show to him that the suitable place that we have found during the previous meeting.
We met up to submit the proposal. After submitting the proposal, we continue to discuss with our supervisor about the venue that we want to do our social engagement. 
We had a meeting with our supervisor. Our supervisor had recommend us some orphanage home near our university. Most of us agreed with that and we start to brainstorm the idea of the activity that we can conduct during the social engagement.
We visited those selected orphanage home. We deal with person in charge and briefly explain to them that what we want to do during the visit.
This meeting was to confirm venue with supervisor and to have some discussion. Due to the problems that we met, such as the transportation and group members safety, all of us agreed to change the plan. From the discussion we had decided to change our venue to an old folk’s home near our university. After the leader and secretary received the permission from the old folks’ home, we changed our plan and activity. 
We had a discussion with our supervisor. We discuss about the tools that we need for the fund raising activity and also the things we need to buy when visit to the old folks’ home. After the discussion, our supervisor fetch few of us to buy the tools that are need to run the fund raising activity. I was not be able to join because I still have a class after the meeting.
This was our last meeting before we want to implement our plan. We meet up to finalise and discuss the plan. We decided to have the car wash activity at the Faculty of Business and Accountancy’s car park. Besides that, we also discussed about the detail for visiting old folks’ home such as where should we gather and how we visit to the venue.

Current phase
We gathered at Dataran Za’ba. Our supervisor brief us before we start our work. Then we moved to the car park near the canteen.
After the advised gain from our supervisor, we divided ourselves into small groups, some of us will wash the cars, some of us will go and back to the nearest water supply to get the water, some of us will go around to attract customers. We take turn to do our task. (refer picture 3)
We have a small number of customers up to this hour. From our observation, it was because the lecturers parked their car and conducted the lecture class early in the morning. We could not get them during this hour. (refer picture 4,5)
We washed car under the hot sun. The owner of the car told us that he will donate more if we take good care of his car. We tried our best to wash the car when we think of the old folks because if we get more donation from the public, we will give even more to the old folks. (refer picture 6)
All the Muslim group members had to go to their prayer at this hour. While waiting for the Muslim group members, we had our lunch and rest.
We gathered again before we continue to wash the car. Since we found out that the cars were still the same at the car park near the canteen, we decided to change the place. We found the water supply beside Dataran Za’ba and all of us agreed to change the place in order to get more customers. It was also because there were many cars passed by that area.
We get quite a number of customers at this hour. Although there were many cars passed by, but not all the car owners were willing to have a car wash because most of the passed by cars only dropped off their passengers and left the place.
Some of the lecturers from economic faculty were attracted by us when they passed by our faculty to have a tea time. Since we had few cars to wash at the car park of the economic faculty, we then moved to the economic faculty to attract more customers. (refer picture 7,8)
The weather was not as hot as in the afternoon. We washed even more quickly than in the afternoon because we left one hour to end the fund raising activity.
We started to clean up all the tools. After that, we had a short briefing and discussion about the reflection before we get back to our hostel. We were satisfied with our progress.
All of us were very tired. We started to depart to our hostel to have some rest. Through this fund raising activity, I learnt that teamwork is very important because without cooperation among each other, we could not raise so much fund in a short period of time. Besides that, I also learnt that money is not easy to earn. We have to appreciate what we have been given from our parents.


We departed from our hostel to the gate near the Faculty of Language and Linguistic. We gathered at the gate while waiting for the supervisor to brief for us. (refer picture 9,10)
Since the old folks’ home was near to our university, we walked together to the destination. It took about 15-20 minutes to reach the place.
We arrived at Care 1 Centre. The owners introduced themselves to us and brief us about the centre which include the number of old folks staying there, the do and don’t in the centre, the place where they put all the tools and what we should do in the centre. At this hour, some of the old folks were still sleeping, we spoke softly to each other so that we won’t awake them.
Everyone woke up at this hour. We divided ourselves into two groups before we start our activity. One group cleaned the garden of the centre while another group did the cleaning stuff in the centre. I was in charged of cleaning the surrounding of the centre. We drag some time before we start our work because we were not familiar with the place. (refer picture 11,12)
I swept the shatter in the garden. I can straight away throw the shatter into the garbage bag once the dustpan is full as my friend was carrying it with me. This had improved our work efficiency. Although there had a lot of mosquitos, but we still continue to clean the garden so that the mosquito would not bite the old folks. It took us some time to clean up the garden and we had collected three garbage bag of shatter. (refer picture 13,14)
We decided to wash the garage but the owner stopped us because the weather was hot. So we postponed our plan to the evening and moved to the living room. The lunch had been prepared. We helped the workers to serve the food to the old folks. Some of us helped the workers to feed the old folks.
Our lunch had arrived. We took some rest and had our lunch. Muslim group members went to their prayer at Ninth Residential College after the lunch. Chinese and Indian group members stayed in the centre and helped the workers to clean the dining room and wash the dishes after the old folks finished their food.
Everyone gathered at the centre. We continued to do our task. Some of us cleaned the windows and some of us accompanied the old folks. I was in charged in accompanied the old folks and chat with them. They shared their life story to us. Some of them even cried when they talked about their life story. 
The weather turned cool. It was the time for us to wash the garage and also the owners’ car. We shifted our turn with those who cleaned the windows just now. I put some detergent while others filled and splashed the water. We took turn to wash the floor. (refer picture 15,16)
We finished our work. At the same time, supervisor came back from purchasing needed stuff to donate to Care 1 Centre using the fund that we raised. We bought 2 fans, a few packets of rice, diapers and cooking oils. (refer picture 17,18)
The owner of Care 1 Centre and our supervisor brief us on tomorrow’s work before we left the place.
We get back to our residential college.

We departed from our hostel to the gate near the Faculty of Language and Linguistic. We gathered again at the gate while waiting for the supervisor to brief for us.
We moved to Care 1 Centre.
We arrived at Care 1 Centre. We divided ourselves into two groups. One group in charge of the garden of Care 1 Centre while another group did the cleaning stuff in the centre. We remained the same people to do the same task as yesterday because we had familiar with our task and the place where the tools placed. The garden was messy because it rained yesterday. (refer picture 19,20)
We had a new task to do which was painting. The owner had bought a sky blue paint to paint the wall at the entrance of the living room. We moved the cupboard, whiteboard, table and chairs away so that we can paint the wall. (refer picture 21)
All of us take turn to paint the wall because we did not have enough brush to paint the wall. We accompany and chat with the old folks while waiting for the turn.
The lunch had been prepared. We helped the workers to serve the food to the old folks. Some of us helped the workers to feed the old folks.
Our lunch had arrived. We stopped the work and took some rest. Muslim group members went to their prayer at Ninth Residential College after the lunch. Chinese and Indian group members stayed in the centre and helped the workers to clean the dining room and wash the dishes after the old folks finished their food.
Everyone gathered at the centre. We continued to do the painting. The walls at the entrance were almost finished painting. The orange coloured living room had changed to skyblue colour. The owner was satisfied with our work. Because we still had few hours to go, the owner assigned us to paint the walls in the kitchen. Most of us moved to the kitchen to paint the wall and left few people at the entrance to paint the remaining parts. (refer picture22)
The aunty who in charged to cook had boiled a pot of soup for the old folks, she even prepared extra food for us as a token of appreciation. We helped her to serve the old folks and took some rest before we continue to paint the remaining part in the kitchen. (refer picture 23,24)
We continued the painting while some others helped the workers to wash the dishes.
We finished the painting at both the entrance and the kitchen. Some of us cleaned up the area and washed the brush while others gathered at the living room to sing for the old folks. After the performance, we took photos with the old folks and workers in Care 1 Centre before we left. We were very happy to lend a helping hand at Care 1 Centre. It was a great experience.
We get back to our residential college.

Ending phase
We had a short met up to collect photos for the fund raising campaign and also during the visit to Care 1 Centre in order to help us to complete our report.
We had a discussion about the format and the content of the report. This include the challenges we faced and also the achievement we did. (refer picture 30)
We follow up report with supervisor. We received a new task which was to write our reflection on the blog.
Another discussion regarding the report with the group members. We divide the task to do.
We met up with supervisor to show him the progress of our report version 1 and discuss the part we haven’t done.
We had a group discussion with group members and follow up the report. We also did the editing of blog together.
We met up with supervisor because we had done the report. But there were a small amendment to the report. Besides that, supervisor had brief us about journal.
Our secretary had compiled all of our hard work that we send to her. We met up to have a look at the finalise report. We did the change when we found there were error on it. (refer picture 31)
We showed the report and journal to supervisor. He was satisfied with our work. He brief us on the presentation details. We divide the task to do preparation for presentation.
We met up to have a briefing about presentation. We showed what we had done for the presentation slide and sent it to our secretary to compile it. (refer picture 32)